My name is Tasha, I’m 25 and I suck at doing introductions.
This site is here just for fun, nothing really here for you I guess unless you’re a friend or someone who cares about me. I just want something fun to work on and have something to do. If you got any beef with that then shoo.

I’m currently trying to keep my shit together as I recover and learn to live with various mental illnesses. So things on here might be a bit up and down since my brain is the world’s worst roller coaster ride and I am duct taped in it against my will.
I’ll do a blog post eventually detailing things about that at some point.
I’ll document a lot of stuff here such as my art, witchcraft, gaming and anything I find cool and interesting!

I really do have no idea what i’m doing in life and I have a habit of losing journals and basically everything so here we are.